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Neverwinter Nights Diamond


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Works on:
Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10)
3.5 Gb
December 9, 2006
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Experience one of the most popular role-playing adventures of our time, a journey that has thrilled millions. Inhabit dreamlike worlds of myth and mystery. Boundless lands of deadly creatures, foreboding omens and bold heroism.

This game puts you at the center of an epic tale of faith, war and betrayal, all the while staying true to the pen-and-paper role-playing tradition

Web Master
wea weawe 44444
Steve Castillo
Mot hai ba
Joe Russell
I remember the game when it first came out and was astounded by the graphics, Unfortunately, I cannot get the version I just purchased to run under Win 8.1 despite trying various compatibility settings.
Adam Dean
Myst is fine piece of great adventure game. Mysterious locations, mysterious music, mysterious world. It was first adventure game with over milion copies sold and it's woth every minute time spend with this tittle
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